List your AI tool for free before Feb 16
List your AI tool for free in our growing directory.
- ✔ Create your profile in minutes / Créez votre profil rapidement
- ✔ List your AI tool for 90 days – FREE / Liste pour 90 jours – GRATUIT
- ✔ Ideal for startups looking to boost their visibility / Idéal pour les startups
🇫🇷: Inscrivez gratuitement votre outil IA pendant 90 jours pour une visibilité initiale.
This package is ideal for evaluating the market potential of your tool and gaining visibility without any upfront investment. Take advantage of this limited time offer today!
- 🇫🇷: Idéal pour les startups et les petites entreprises souhaitant gagner en visibilité. Offre à durée limitée !
m_vid (client confirmé) –
I can’t believe this is free. I submitted and within 3 days was approved.